Monday, July 17, 2006

Gideon the CutPurse by Linda Buckley-Archer

This is my fist even ARC and boy was I excited to get it. Wasnt sure what to think of the book more then it sounds good and its unique. I have found lately that all young adult books have the same flow to them and i cant stand a book like that so I figured what the hay ill try it. Im glad i did it was awesome. Its the start of a trilogy and i can totally see this becoming a bestselling set at that. It was very unique in its plot and characters, the development was at the right pace, didnt rush through the details or stretch them out needlessly. The book had a great flow and became a page turner for me. I am sure that Ms. Archer will have a great fanbase on her hands after this book is realeased :)

1 comment:

Butterfly Amy said...

Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed this book :)
It will be my very first advanced Reader Copy too and I can't wait to read mine!