The Nanny Diaries is an absolutely addictive peek into the utterly weird world of child rearing in the upper reaches of Manhattan's social strata. Cowritten by two former nannies, Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, the novel follows the adventures of the aptly named Nan as she negotiates the Byzantine byways of working for Mrs. X, a Park Avenue mommy. Nan's 4-year-old charge, the hilariously named Grayer (his pals include Josephina, Christabelle, Brandford, and Darwin) is a genuinely good sort. He can't help it if his mom has scheduled him for every activity known to the Upper East Side, including ice skating, French lessons, and a Mommy and Me group largely attended by nannies. What makes the book so impossible to put down is the suspense of finding out what the unbelievably inconsiderate Mrs. X will demand of Nan next. One pictures the two authors having the last hearty laugh on their former employers.
Book 25 for 2007
Book 2 for August
Started book on 8/06/7
Finished book on 8/08/07
Such a good book!! Was superbly written by two former nannies. Follows Nan (yes the nanny's name is Nanny) lol. I thought the book was hilarious and so so true as to the life of a 4 year old. The end is sad but funny at the same time. Great book, a must read.
Up next is Strawberry Shortcake Murder by Joanne Fluke
The Nanny Diaries is an absolutely addictive peek into the utterly weird world of child rearing in the upper reaches of Manhattan's social strata. Cowritten by two former nannies, Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, the novel follows the adventures of the aptly named Nan as she negotiates the Byzantine byways of working for Mrs. X, a Park Avenue mommy. Nan's 4-year-old charge, the hilariously named Grayer (his pals include Josephina, Christabelle, Brandford, and Darwin) is a genuinely good sort. He can't help it if his mom has scheduled him for every activity known to the Upper East Side, including ice skating, French lessons, and a Mommy and Me group largely attended by nannies. What makes the book so impossible to put down is the suspense of finding out what the unbelievably inconsiderate Mrs. X will demand of Nan next. One pictures the two authors having the last hearty laugh on their former employers.
Book 25 for 2007
Book 2 for August
Started book on 8/06/7
Finished book on 8/08/07
Such a good book!! Was superbly written by two former nannies. Follows Nan (yes the nanny's name is Nanny) lol. I thought the book was hilarious and so so true as to the life of a 4 year old. The end is sad but funny at the same time. Great book, a must read.
Up next is Strawberry Shortcake Murder by Joanne Fluke
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